Roxas Hiroaki
2nd year
Art Major Art Club Archery Club
Sometimes quiet is violent.
Posts: 97
Post by Roxas Hiroaki on May 4, 2011 17:31:02 GMT -5
Roxas had his book-bag slung over his shoulder, it was one of those laptop type ones that most people used to hold their...laptops. The blonde haired boy stepped through the courtyard, it was kind of sunny for him today...the curse of blue eyes rearing its ugly head. The blonde sighed as he went to find shade...the wonderful thing that he needed on this day.
The blonde spotted a nice tree that no one was really sitting under. The blonde had no idea about all the people hiding up in said tree. The boy slid the bag off his shoulder, leaning it against the tree. He should really do some of his before class homework for his art class...but drawing sounded so much nicer then filling out that sample art exam from the website for the first day of class. The boy tilted his head as he heard rustling in the tree...weird.
The blonde peaked his head upward, tilting his head at the clearly visibleness of some people...well at least their legs and behinds. That was really all the boy could see from down here. The boy just shook his head at the weird people. Who sits in a tree? It wasn't that sunny out after all.
Carlos Mitchell
3rd year
Psychology Major
So far in blood that sin will pluck on sin, therefore pity me not.
Posts: 38
Post by Carlos Mitchell on May 6, 2011 7:59:50 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=style,padding-left:16px; padding-top:8px; padding-right:5px; padding-bottom:8px; background-image:url( ] carlos mitchell will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Blasted music can be distinctly heard from a pair of earphones plugged into Carlos's ears, half hidden behind his hair. Instead of rock or pop music, though, the sound of the device emitted something akin to the harmonics of an orchestra: exactly what the man was listening to. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, he was completely oblivious to his surroundings. Well, for a moment.
His interest was piqued when a boy ran past him, followed by another, seemingly being chased by the latter. Carlos raised his eyebrows but continued walking in the direction he was in. He was a bit surprised at the act he just perceived, since it seemed a bit childish for a pair of teenage boys chasing each other (unless it was a girl and boy duo, then he would have assumed they were flirting), but he didn't match their pace at all. He wasn't that interested. And besides, the music was just beginning to reach its crescendo.
Carlos was left captivated afterward by the music in his ears, but a few minutes later he halted in mid-step when he was greeted by a rather... enthralling scene. Particularly one that involved a tree and several people that have climbed it and those who were sitting on the ground. He squinted; he was too far away to determine anything finite, but he reckoned that one of them looked a tad bit familiar . . .
And so he changed course and headed toward the commotion, because he had nothing else to do and how could he join in the fun if he didn't approach? Supposing that it was fun and not something horribly morbid, like stealing a bird's nest and pelting passers-by with the eggs, or something. About three feet or two away, he stopped and pulled out his earphones, and was faced by the noise of conversation. A puzzled expression overtook Carlos's face.
"What is with all this racket?" TAGGED: A lot. WORDCOUNT. 619 NOTES: It's about time I joined. xD Sorry if I got anything wrong.TEMPLATE BY OH SO COOPERNATURAL ! @ CAUTION. |
Sora Yosuke Hiroaki
2nd year
General Studies Soccer Team Soccer Club
Is there something I could say to make you turn around? Nights like these I wish I said 'Don't go'.
Posts: 161
Post by Sora Yosuke Hiroaki on May 6, 2011 22:06:59 GMT -5
Sora Hiroaki; [atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=border,0,true][cs=2][atrb=style, background: url(; width: 450px, bTable][atrb=style,-moz-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 15px;,true] | [atrb=style, background: #b2c7d6; padding: 8px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.6] Seriously, where were all these people coming from? Didn’t they have anything better to do then bother him and Erazia up in the tree? And half of those people actually had the audacity to climb up the tree to see what was going on. He felt like being childish [Sora, childish? That’s absurd!] and yelling at them to go and find their own tree to climb because this one belonged to him and Erazia and was, in fact, a hiding spot of sorts. Clearly it wasn’t as good of a hiding spot as his silver haired companion had previously said it would be, if all of these people were able to find them without any issue.
Sora let out a startled squeak as Erazia clutched him for dear life after the wannabe-ninja had popped up in their line of vision from the branch above them. Her screech definitely wasn’t quiet in any sense of the word and he felt—and heard—an insistent ringing in his ears, making him fear that she had caused him to lose hearing. But the ringing cleared after a moment or two and he staggered back a bit as her grip around him tightened and she peeked out around him at the silverette above them. He had to admit that he too was curious about the strange boy in the tree with them.
The brunet islander didn’t get much of a chance to ponder what the silverette was doing…or how creepy he was being for one of the other tree’s occupants fell forward, topless, landing in Sora’s lap. He hadn’t been paying attention to anyone aside from the strange boy and, of course, Erazia [who was still holding onto him] so he wasn’t quite sure what lead to the older girl to fall atop him topless but—wait. Topless?! He leaned back against the trunk of the tree, wrapping his legs around the branch in which he was sitting on to help keep him balanced. “I…uh…um…n-no thanks…? |
[/color]” What the hell was he supposed to say in a situation like this? His mind was racing, adrenalin from the chase and the heart-attack he’d nearly had from Rune’s sudden appearance, and now to add to the mess…one of the newer arrivals had done something—yet again Sora hadn’t been paying much attention to the other people since what was happening with him in the tree was a little more important—that resulted in her bottoms being torn off. Any other boy would have been in heaven—but not Sora! He’d never even kissed a girl, let alone seen one in their underwear [or naked!] before so all of this was just too much for him! “ What’s with you girls and wearing cheap clothing? Put on a tshirt and a pair of pants or something like normal girls…[/color]” He was probably one of the only boys who didn’t find scantily clad women to be attractive—in fact, he thought that it made them look desperate which was an unattractive quality. He much preferred more ‘wholesome’ girls who didn’t flaunt their ‘assets’ for all of the world to see.[/div][/td] [td][atrb=style, width: 100px; vertical-align: top;] [/td][/tr] [tr][td][atrb=style, background: #b2c7d6; padding: 8px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.6] Tagged: e'ryone all up in hurr Wordcount: 520 Notes: :3 Credit: JADE of FD & KU [/td][/tr] [/table][/center]
Post by erazia on May 6, 2011 22:25:11 GMT -5
Erazia couldn't take it. First, the criminal, whom she just recently discovered wasn't a criminal at all thanks to one of the girls in the tree, then, a girl, much older than herself, falling onto Erazia's shield/Sora... And she didn't have a top on! The minute it happened, her eyes grew wide and her face was ducked behind Sora again.
She only managed to poke her face out again when she heard the tree rustle, assumingly as someone left, probably the topless girl. But her innocent, pure eyes were drawn to another girl, also topless, but without pants on as well!
To say she was scared was an understatement. It was at these times she wished she had stuck to her brother throughout college. He could handle a situation like this, as he seemed to focus on girls a lot. And possibly get her out of it as well. But, she tried to throw the thoughts of escaping away. Her task was to help Sora, and act as company and moral support against whoever he was hiding from. She couldn't just abandon him in the middle!
However, the idea was tempting nonetheless, and the progressing situation wasn't helping her self morals. More and more people were climbing WITHOUT her nor Sora's request or permission to. And others were standing under the tree, making it even more obvious people were in the tree. Her idea wasn't looking so safe anymore. Perhaps her father should have mentioned or emphasized on the fact you shouldn't let other people in the tree. Although maybe it was supposed to be common sense. But, telling people who just plain, and rudely in her opinion, climbed up the tree with no warning at all to get out was rude. And Erazia didn't like the thought of being rude.
Figuring Sora was her best bet, she brought her lips near his ear and somewhat whispered,
"How should we tell them all we're hiding and they need to get out and away from here without being rude?"
Post by atsuko on May 6, 2011 22:51:44 GMT -5
Damn, this just keeps on getting ever more sitcom-esque. Well, maybe an “R” rated sitcom, but one nonetheless. At first, there was just some more rustling in the tree, some voices coming out of it, nothing too special. Overall, not nearly as interesting as the clouds, especially since a gull had just flown into sight and was the most beautiful, amazing, awe-inspiring things Atsuko had ever seen… except for those two ducks who broke her heart that once. Well, anyway, the real point is that the tree story had lost her interest, it lacked pizzazz (that’s right, four “z’s”) now that nothing was happening as far as she could see and hear.
But wait, all of a sudden, the gull was bullshit, worthless, nothing (it flew away, so screw it). Though, there seemed an adequate replacement, as a topless girl, Lenne, fell from the tree. Now that was entertaining. And quite a beautiful site as well, since Lenne was, well, a stunning girl. At the same time, however, it was rather bizarre – Lenne was not one to bear her top for no reason. Hell, this was only the second time Atsuko had seen the girl’s chest bare, the first being… oh, yeah… uh… this was the first time Atsuko had ever seen the girl naked above the waist. And then, all of a sudden, with arms across her chest, somewhere, Atsuko couldn’t tell where.
She couldn’t tell where because, all of a sudden, another two fell out of the tree – on the farm, you’re supposed to pick the apples before they fall of their own accord. Make of that what you will. Anyway, this new girl was almost completely naked, with only a pair of panties on, though judging from how sluttish the tatters of the outfit were, it did not seem as though this was a huge change from her previous condition. Still, she tried to keep some modicum of modesty, though that attempt was rather pathetic, since, as we referenced, the clothing was basically transparent, at the very least extremely translucent. God, some women.
Oh, and now more men were coming to stare, of course, throw them a pair of tits, two pairs actually, and they seem to come running. And she was about to watch what those new men were doing when Lenne ran over to her, weeping. Was she expecting Atsuko to do something? Does she not realize that she’d much rather sit here watching than do anything? Hell, even if Lenne had actually said something to her, Atsuko would probably reply only with curt nods and shakes of the head, she didn’t like to talk while tripping, it was what she did, she liked to sit and watch, observe, quietly… silently. So, as it was, right now, she just looked up at the teary eyed girl, thinking how magnificent her eyes looked behind the salt-watery veil. Damn, she thought, I should make Lenne cry every time. It’s the most wondrous thing.
Post by Lenne Kashu on May 8, 2011 22:20:24 GMT -5
Lenne Kashu; [atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=border,0,true][cs=2][atrb=style, background: url(; width: 450px, bTable][atrb=style,-moz-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 15px;,true] | [atrb=style, background: #b2c7d6; padding: 8px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.6] Lenne was feeling slightly better when she found out that the ninja boy had given her his shirt. He was so kind and she didn’t know how to react to him. She had never met anyone like this before and she probably never would. So getting up some of her courage she wiped some of her tears and took the shirt. “Thank you,” she sniffled as she put on the shirt that was slightly snug on her. She would much rather have put on her old shirt, but since it was torn this would work for now. “I will be sure to return it to you later,” She said with a slight smile at the boy who now that she looked at him seemed to be almost her age.
Maybe this was fate or something since this morning she was wondering if she would ever find someone to call her future husband, but she knew things like this wouldn’t just happen there had to be a reason. Lenne composed herself and turned to the boy and decided to give him a hug in thanks. “I don’t know how to thank you for your kindness,” she said in a somewhat sweet voice, but then she realized what she was going to do she took off her earrings and placed them in her hands, “I hope you will take these as my thanks. I know it is a bit weird to be doing this, but I feel I must thank you somehow and this will be my way of doing it. You can do whatever you want with them you could even get rid of them if you want to.” Lenne smiled as she handed the boy the earrings and then she turned back to Atsuko and said, “I’m sorry for making you worry if I did.” Lenne gave Atsuko a slight bow and went back to the tree to keep an eye on the boy in the tree only to get shocked at the girl who was almost half naked. Apparently her top was stuck in the tree and it seemed no one was helping her. So feeling the kindness of the boy who helped her Lenne ripped her skirt a bit just enough to still cover her, but enough that she had material to give to the other girl to cover her chest. “Here use this it isn’t much, but I don’t see any need for either of us to be shirtless.”
| [atrb=style, width: 100px; vertical-align: top;] | [atrb=style, background: #b2c7d6; padding: 8px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.6]Tagged: Everyone in this topic! Wordcount: 412 Notes: --- Credit: JADE of FD & KU |
Post by Rune Veliospirus Ravencroft on May 8, 2011 23:57:40 GMT -5
[atrb=style,border: 2px solid #000000;][bg=C4C4C4][atrb=border,0,true][atrb=width,450,true][atrb=width,20%][atrb=vAlign,top][atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,3,true][atrb=background,]
Chase the dream to the edge of the abyss This is the only way to save the world Remember, everything is in your hands
words numbers go here tagged peoples here music tunes in here comments a quick comment
Rune felt the shirt leave his hand and heard a thankful, followed by a sniffle. "It's.... not a problem, really". he replied, not looking her direction yet. True, because he had been facing amira at the time, he had seen briefly what the top had been covering before it ripped and was still a little red in the face, though, that couldn't have been helped. He hadn't seen much cause of how fast it had all happened, but still. But that didn't mean he had free reign to look since he had for the most part seen her topless already.
He turned as he heard her second remark, hoping that with the light sound of moving fabric that it meant she had covered herself. It was nice to see the slight smile, but he was a little surprised when she hugged him and said she didn't know how to repay his kindness. He started to blush again since it wasn't this often a girl hugged him that he had just met, let alone a very attractive one. "No.. really it was nothing, and you don't have to worry too much about getting the shirt back to me". He said, not sure if he should hug her back or not, but found himself lightly putting his arms lightly around her out of reflex, since that was what he did when family hugged him.. and the only family he had left was female.
He let go when she did, and watched as she removed her earrings, which at first puzzled him slightly as to what she was doing. He then heard her say how it might be a bit weird doing so but that she wanted him to take them, and that if he so desired he could get rid of them. Before he could even think to say anything like that she really didn't have to or such, she had placed them in his hands and gone off first to the girl she had moved behind, and then tore a piece of her skirt off and handed it out to Amira. Rune wasn't the kind to wear earrings, so that was out, but he certainly was not going to simply get rid of them, he wasn't that kind of person. He'd find something to do with them, that still kept them as the y were, but for the time being, he slid them into his pocket.
AMira watched what was happening with Rune, now crossing her arms over her chest to cover herself a bit because she was feeling a little less comfortable about being topless and no one still up in the tree was tossing down her top which could still at least cover her. She gave a slight smile at the whole thing, but then heard the brunette up in the tree. She felt something, but she wasn't quite sure what this feeling was. Though as the other girl came over, she looked at her with a smile. "It is not a problem, I'm used to not having much to cover myself with. Thank you". AMira said, bowing to Lenne before taking the piece of fabric and tying so it at least covered herself. She was thankful it actually made it around enough to get around her rather nice sized chest, granted a little tightly.
"It is good to see some people know how to be polite". Amira then said, turning up to the brunette in the tree, she felt she had to address his comment of her outfit, and this other girl's who was so nice as to ruin one of her own outfits to help her cover herself. "This young lady did have what you would call normal clothing on, and she can not help an accident" Amira said to start off with, though, that was as elaborate as she could be with the other girls situation, since she did not know it or even her name. "As for my clothing, it is not cheap, though the material is admittedly rather delicate. And while in this country perhaps those clothes you listed are normal, in my homeland, outfits such as these are what is normal for a woman to wear during the day in the desert heat, and I do honestly find such things as your "pants" and "T-shirts", itchy, heavy, bulky and in all incredibly uncomfortable. So I wear the clothing I was raised to wear since I can remember instead. I do believe this country was made so that others could be as they wished without persecution or being looked down upon. And while I ask kindly that you please throw my top down so I may cover up again, you instead comment on the fact I should dress to what you define as normal, and leave me to stand with no top on. Even when he punished me in public the prince at least had the decency to make sure I wasn't totally exposed before the reprimand and carrying out my punishment. Perhaps you should know more about someone before you make judgements of the quality of their clothing and how they choose to dress."she said, Her face was relatively neutral, but to Rune's surprise, there was actually a hint of anger.. towards a male... who most likely would have had a higher social status.
"Congratulations pal, your the first male she's ever actually even gotten a hint of anger out at". Rune said as he looked up at the boy, Amira giving Rune a somewhat confused look. "Did I sound angry?" Amira asked, Rune glancing over as he said "Yeah, but that's actually sort of a good thing in this case". He took a few steps over towards Lenne before he said "That was very kind of you, thanks for helping her cover up, though I'm sorry it ruined that skirt" Amira looked over and down to see what she now wore to cover herself was indeed part of the other girls skirt and she immediately bowed again before saying "I'm so sorry to have troubled you I promise I'll work to replace it".
"Don't worry about it Amira" Rune said, looking over at her first, before turning back to Lenne as he added, "I'll pay to replace the skirt, it's the least I can do". Amira looked up as she said "But I don't want to make you pay for something that's my fault". Rune rolled his eyes and gave a laugh as he said "Amira, I have plenty of money, I pay for you to come here don't I? Paying to replace this nice girl's skirt isn't going to put me out anything I don't have so just relax" he said to her, Amira relaxing a little, but not much, Rune smiling as he turned back to Lenne and added, "Besides, maybe we could get coffee or lunch or something while were out replacing it."
(OCC: sorry its so long >< Hopefully this template makes it a little more bearable)
template by synchronicity of OTE
Post by uenmigoto on May 11, 2011 20:47:48 GMT -5
U E N ϟ M I G O T O ; [atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=border,0,true][cs=2][atrb=style, background: #5DFC0A; width: 485px, bTable][atrb=style,-moz-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 15px;,true] | [atrb=style, padding: 5px; background: #FFFFFF; border: 2px dashed #308014; -webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius: 8px; opacity: 0.6]Uen blinked at one of the little First Year's responses. She tilted her head slightly. Hiding from what? Uen wondered to herself as her chest began to lessen its heaving and her heart began to slow its loud thrumming. Well, she didn't ask. For a little bit longer, Uen maintained her position on the ground, waiting for some sort of reaction, confirmation, or specifications in relation to the comment the kid had made about him being in the tree hiding. For all Uen knew, he was playing hide and seek - and if he was, then talking up into the tree would totally give him away, and she'd feel guilty for chasing off the adorable little Froshie. She wanted to climb up there with him; however, she really didn't want to get in his way of... winning, or something. One of the girls in the tree looked back at Uen and told her she could climb up and join them. Though pleased with that girl's acceptance of her, Uen stayed still and watched the other girl suddenly flip out. Her reaction to the ninja-looking man made Uen's eyes narrow with amusement while a slight smirk tried to tug against the corners of her lips. She let out a scream and suddenly snatched the boy who'd responded to Uen earlier up in her arms as though hiding behind him. The boy, too, let out a squeak as he was grabbed.
The first girl didn't have nearly as amusing of a reaction - at first. She picked an acorn out of the tree and tossed it and rolled it in her palm and over her fingers a couple of times before calling what Uen assumed was the man's name - Rune? - and hucking the acorn at the face of the man dressed in black garments; it smacked him right in the forehead and Uen laughed, amused by the man's quick reaction of irritation and slight pain. He pulled the top of his hood-thing down, revealing stunning white hair of a good length that dangled upside-down like spikes of an albino porcupine. The girl responded in a punk-ish little tone that reminded Uen much of herself that he shouldn't go around scaring people. Not long after that, another girl, one that looked much older, began to attempt to make her way down. Unfortunately for her, it seemed like a bad streak of luck had hit her - her shirt, caught on a branch, tore, and left her topless as she suddenly fell into the boy's lap. Uen fell back, laughing even harder than she had been - she would resist the urge to stare at the poor little First Year who'd just lost her shirt. The man who'd dressed like a ninja up in the tree removed the lower portion of his hood, having been hit by another acorn, just in time to see the girl lose her top; his face went red. However, his embarrassment didn't have any time to blossom.
As the one girl had fallen, she'd just barely knocked into another girl, the one who had thrown the acorns was knocked off balance; her own shirt was ripped as she began to fall back, cut by friction and - apparently - sharp bark on the tree, her own shirt falling off of her body as well. She grabbed at Rune as she fell and he, too, was forced to fall. Uen rolled on the ground, clutching her stomach and laughing like - she was sure - a maniac as the two fell to the ground, and between her tears of laughter Uen saw that somehow the girl's shorts had been somehow torn as well. She was practically naked. Uen could barely even breathe as she continued to laugh, her abs quickly growing sore. Oh, God, I'm so happy I came for a run! The girl looked up and asked someone to throw her top down, while the man who'd fallen quickly recovered and offered his black over-shirt to the other girl up in the tree. As Uen laughed a silent laugh, unable to make a sound now for lack of breath, more people had begun to arrive, watching the spectacle with disdain, dismay, and a whole shit-load of opinions, feelings, and questions. Uen, herself, was too busy trying to calm down to say or do anything. She could hear a bit of weeping from one shirtless girl, which finally got her to calm down. She laid back in time to hear the boy's rant about girls wearing cheap clothing. Wow. That... that was so funny it hurt. | [atrb=style, width: 100px; vertical-align: center;]
[atrb=style, width: 100px; vertical-align: center;]
[atrb=style, width: 100px; vertical-align: center;] |
[/div] [/td][/tr] [tr][td][atrb=style, background: #b2c7d6; padding: 8px; border: 2px dashed #FFFFFF; -webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.6] Tagged: Party-goers! Wordcount: 774 Notes: Fail-post is fail. Credit: JADE of FD & KU [/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Roxas Hiroaki
2nd year
Art Major Art Club Archery Club
Sometimes quiet is violent.
Posts: 97
Post by Roxas Hiroaki on May 14, 2011 0:13:47 GMT -5
Roxas tilted his head as the people in the tree in front of him went on and on and on...they were such strange people...not that he had any idea who any of them were, the leaves of the tree and mixed branches obscuring all their faces. A few people 'popped' down from the tree in various stages of dress...a little embarrassing for the blonde to say the least. The boy's blue eyes couldn't help but wander off his notebook and onto the people, pushing the sketchbook higher to hide the small blush tainting his skin.
What were these people doing? I mean its one thing to hide in a tree...but another to fall from a tree like they were doing! I mean...what were they doing in that tree!? From the looks of it...not anything 'good'...or maybe some things that were a little to 'good' if you get what I mean.
The blonde boy looked down to his sketchbook, letting the pencil flow down the white sheet to start the basis of the trunk. Thats right...he had already planned on drawing the tree...the scenery...that was why he was here specifically...but the people in the tree were so distracting! There was a voice that seemed kind of loud among them...childish even...if he didn't know any better he would have assumed there was a twelve year old boy up there with them.
The blonde looked at the tree as his hand moved freely...trying to imitate the trunk. He didn't dare speak...loudly lest the people include him in the insanity. The boy really didn't want to be part of any of that drama that was apparently going on in the tree...I mean really in public people!? Roxas sighed,"...weird people..." came his voice, maybe a little louder then needed but with all the chatter in the tree and screaming and such it was a wonder one could hear their own thoughts.
Sora Yosuke Hiroaki
2nd year
General Studies Soccer Team Soccer Club
Is there something I could say to make you turn around? Nights like these I wish I said 'Don't go'.
Posts: 161
Post by Sora Yosuke Hiroaki on May 30, 2011 22:59:37 GMT -5
Sora Hiroaki; [atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=border,0,true][cs=2][atrb=style, background: url(; width: 450px, bTable][atrb=style,-moz-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 15px;,true] | [atrb=style, background: #b2c7d6; padding: 8px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.6] During all the fuss everyone had failed to notice the weakening of the tree branch in which they were [or had been] sitting upon, it wasn’t strong enough to support the weight of 2 people let alone 4 and quickly a seam began to form where the base of the branch met with the trunk of the tree. You would think that once the others fell from the tree that the relief from the stress of their weight would be enough to stop the branch from cracking further, but that wasn’t the case…
Sora was a little taken aback by the girl’s, rather long and breathy, rant and didn’t really know how to respond to it so he did what he did best—pretended to remain oblivious to her and her hissy fit. Besides, he had more important things to worry about—like trying to get these people away from his and Erazia’s hiding place! Seriously, and people called him dense? They just couldn’t take the hint that their presences were unwanted, could they? It was a little sad, really.
He turned to Erazia and shrugged, “I have no idea. I wish they’d just take the hint and leave though, they’re not making this easy at all. |
[/color]” The brunet let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand through his unruly mop of dark spikes before pausing—what was that noise? Crraaccckkk!Alarmed, Sora whipped his head to the side, searching for the source of the sound—but he never got the chance to locate it or even brace himself for just as he turned his head the branch snapped away from the trunk of the tree and plummeted to the ground. He landed with an oof! and the air knocked right out of his lungs. Moaning in discomfort Sora slowly pulled himself into a sitting position, wincing from the shock of pain that pierced him but he wasn’t too worried about himself, he was more preoccupied with making sure that no one else got hurt. “ Is everyone…okay…?[/color]” He spoke between a hiss of pain, his mind not even registering that now he was on the ground he was a prime target for Tore-n… [/div][/td] [td][atrb=style, width: 100px; vertical-align: top;] [/td][/tr] [tr][td][atrb=style, background: #b2c7d6; padding: 8px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.6] Tagged: e'ryone all up in hurr Wordcount: 363 Notes: :3 Credit: JADE of FD & KU [/td][/tr] [/table][/center]
Tore-n Hade Koigokoro
3rd year
Mathematics Major Art Minor Swim Captain Soccer Team bartender
"Could you ever forgive me?"
Posts: 36
Post by Tore-n Hade Koigokoro on Jun 2, 2011 13:56:10 GMT -5
Tore-n Koigokoro; [atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=border,0,true][cs=2][atrb=style, background: url(; width: 450px, bTable][atrb=style,-moz-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 15px;,true] | [atrb=style, background: #b2c7d6; padding: 8px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.6] Where was he? Tore-n had still been looking for Sora all over campus and after all the running he had started to calm down. He was becoming sane again and he started to walk back to his dorm. He had reached a few feet outside the courtyard when he heard what sounded like a branch breaking and a thud. Someone had fallen and he started to run towards the noise. When he got there he saw the person he had been looking for and he got possessed by his demon……again….
Tore-n started to run towards Sora as he wanted him. He was going to claim him in a way no one had claimed him before. He wanted to pounce on Sora hoping to get on top of him once more, but this time complete what they started in their dorm. He would of course start with a simple kiss and then lead to more arousing activities, but he had to get to Sora first. He didn’t care if it was in front of all these people he loved Sora and every part of him. Nothing could stop Tore-n now and he was going to hold on to Sora will all his might. The only thing that might stop him is the possibility of someone putting a Taser to his back. Nope nothing could stop him now…..
| [atrb=style, width: 100px; vertical-align: top;] | [atrb=style, background: #b2c7d6; padding: 8px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.6]Tagged: Everyone in this topic! Wordcount: 226 Notes: --- Credit: JADE of FD & KU |